Here is where you turn for reading help.
Having your child screened can make all the difference.
What to expect when you come in for a dyslexia assessment
When a child struggles to read, many parents do not know where to look for assistance. As a first step, PFLC offers dyslexia assessments for children ages 5-18 who might have reading difficulties.
If you have a child who is struggling to learn to read, write or spell, schedule an assessment appointment with our experienced assessment team. An assessment can take place at our center or, by digital appointment to save gas and travel time. Our assessors are Zoom* savvy and will be happy to work with you online.
The assessment includes an hour meeting with your child exploring their phonemic, reading, writing and spelling skills.
Immediately after meeting with your child, you will sit down with the assessor and together, you will begin to unravel the mystery of the unexpected reading, writing and spelling struggles your child is dealing with.
After the assessment, you will receive a written report and recommendations for next steps. With our help, your child will soon be on their way to easier learning experiences.
If you are concerned about your child's reading skills and would like to schedule an assessment appointment, please call Phillips Fundamental Learning Center at 316-684-7323. We are here to help!
*Zoom is a copyright ©2020 of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Connie Thompson, director of dyslexia screening, helps parents determine what help is available for children who struggle with reading.
"The processing weaknesses interfere with reading and writing but give strengths in high-level thinking — the student can think in ways others cannot, at the expense of automatically processing text."
Dr. Janelle Tidemann, PhD., LCP, is a PhD psychologist licensed as a clinical psychotherapist and school psychologist
A recent article citing Sally Shaywitz recent advice on early assessment appeared here in late October, 2020:
If you are making a payment
for your childs assessment,
you may pay here.
If you pay using the PayPal only portal,
be sure to include your appointment
date and time in the notes when making your payment.