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It’s been a long climb, but we made it.

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Dear Friend of PFLC,


We are excited to share that on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the Kansas State Board of Education officially added "Alphabetic Phonics (Phillips Fundamental Learning Center)" to the KSDE APPROVED List of State At-Risk Evidence-Based Programs (see attached).

This victory is because of you. Your letters, calls, and advocacy helped ensure that Kansas recognizes science-backed, evidence-based reading programs—the kind that truly help all children, including those with dyslexia, learn to read.

It was noted multiple times during the board meeting that your voices mattered. Your efforts have directly impacted literacy education in our state, and we are hopeful for the change this will bring.  Please take a minute from your busy schedule to thank your State School Board member(s) for listening, responding, and voting to help struggling readers become successful readers.

As we move forward with our mission - "All kids reading, all kids succeeding" - we encourage you to continue the conversations with your local school boards, administrative teams, and teachers. Together we can change the direction of reading scores in Kansas.

Stay connected! Join our mailing list to stay up to date on events, courses, and news at PFLC.

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for standing with us - your support made this possible!

Phillips Fundamental Learning Center

Click on the map below.

Then click on the email for your district
and thank your Representatives for their help
assisting At-Risk children with dyslexia in Kansas.

2025 KSDE District Contact Map (1).png
ALTA 2020 logo email.png
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