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The Fundamental Case™ Workshop

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A Phonological Development Workshop

Cost – $430.00

(Tuition $175 + The Fundamental Case™ $255.00) 

Non-refundable $50 deposit required

Graduate Credit Hours available with Participating Universities for additional fee.


The Fundamental Case™ is a one-day instructional workshop focused on phonological awareness for students ages 4-7 or as remedial instruction for older students. This foundational skill is essential for teaching reading, writing, and spelling through direct instruction and practice.


This Workshop is for educators who will learn comprehensive Structured Literacy methods, based on the Science of Reading, to plan lessons that effectively build phonological awareness. The Fundamental Case™ includes easy-to-use lesson plans, student activity mats, hands-on manipulatives, and digital access to reproducible materials.


The workshop will equip you with the skills to teach 86 lessons, utilize book recommendations, and follow 8 sequential steps for developing phonological awareness.

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