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Points of Light


Points of Light: Bilingual Educators

A network of bilingual educators across Kansas delivering specialized reading instruction to Spanish-speaking children.

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The Patterson Family Foundation through The Patterson Teacher Training project

grants to teachers in counties of less than 50,000 people in Kansas.

Points of Light: English Educators

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The Points of Light initiative began with a generous gift from the Patterson Family Foundation
and the Koch Family Foundation.

Potential candidates must be able to complete the two levels of training and pass all requirements.

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Points of Light now has 73 teachers in over 31 teaching locations across Kansas and the region.

We invite you to help PFLC expand dyslexia training across our great state. We are looking for educators across Kansas who will raise their hands and say, “I’d like to be a Dyslexia Specialist Facilitator for my community.” By doing so, PFLC will provide financial assistance toward the appropriate training at our facility in order to obtain Certification as an Academic Language Therapist (CALT), allowing you to help us change thousands of children’s lives.  

Throughout your training, PFLC therapists will mentor you as you develop into a facilitator and coach within your region and local community.

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